Why would Social & Community Participation be good for me?
Social & Community Participation is funded under a seperate line in your NDIS plan and is a great option for Clients that need or want to take that step into the community and make friends, participate in group activities and adventures as well as supporting economic and social participation.

What can I do?
The options are very broad with what you can achieve with these activities in your NDIS plan.
Community participation can include:
- Education, courses
- Appointments and Health Assessments
- Life Satisfaction Outcomes
- Providing access to public transport and support in doing so
- Actively participating in community events
- Enhance community engagement and diversity.
Customised Care
Social and Community Participation is customised to your needs and wants. SCSS can work with you to tailor your individualised support plan.
Your achievments are unlimiited in this space and can be used as an access to a broad variety of community participation which can even lead to volunteering and jobs in some cases.