Out-of-home care most commonly refers to statutory out-of-home care, where a child or young person cannot live with their family home and a legal order is in place to support the arrangement.
Children who live in out-of-home care accommodation experience significant life changes and with that significant trauma. Southern Cross Support Services (SCSS) provides out-of-home care that is safe, stable and can help children and young people recover from the experience of abuse and neglect. Out-of-home care services are designed to provide a safe environment, contribute to improving developmental outcomes and assist in addressing issues that led to the out-of-home care placement. There are several different living arrangements that are called out-of-home care.
One of these options is that of Residential Care.

What is Residential Care
SCSS Child Protection stream provides state-wide Residential Care Services for children and young people as part of a continuum of placement and support services that comprise out-of-home care which is provided in accordance with the legislated standards of care (Child Protection Act 1999, section 122) and the Charter of Rights for a Child in Care (Child Protection Act 1999, section 72 and Schedule 1).
Residential Care is provided at premises (not a carer’s own home) that are owned or leased for the specific purpose of accommodating children and young people subject to statutory intervention. Residential Care services are delivered by non-government organisations, funded by the department and licensed under the Child Protection Act 1999, section 127)
SCSS offer therapeutic residential care, in a home-like environment, when assessment indicates that separation from their family is unavoidable, to ensure the child’s or young person’s safety or wellbeing.

How does this service work
Therapeutic residential care is primarily for young people aged 12-15 years with complex to extreme support needs who require an intensive level of therapeutic care and are unable to be appropriately placed in other forms of out-of-home care. Therapeutic residential care involves small group care (either 2 or 3 with a maximum of places) and may also accommodate sibling groups.
Additionally, our Child Protection stream can also offer other youth services support. This may include outreach support, transportation and supervising family access.
SCSS provides a safe space in which the child or young person, supported by trained, professional staff can thrive and grow.
SCSS are a licenced provider of child protection placement services and accredited against the Human Services Quality Framework.

How does this service work
Most commonly a referral to SCSS Residential Care is sent from Department of Child Safety Youth and Women. Referrals are also accepted from Family and Community Services (FACS) in NSW for additional child protection services. This includes supervising family access and transporting children who involved with Child Safety or FACS to see their family.
How does this service help or make my customer’s life easier
SCSS empowers individuals to achieve a balance of life skills that provide:
- Purpose: Community contribution and participation that creates life memories and experiences.
- Belonging: Relationship building through family, friends and social activities.
- Security: Independent living and supports of their own choosing.
This service is designed to provide support to children and young people who have experienced loss and trauma.
What's unique about SCSS Residential Care Services
SCSS recognise the importance of providing a supply of experienced, trained staff who can deliver an intensive, therapeutic model of care which is trauma informed.
We commit to providing minimal staff turnover to ensure stability for the child, the development of trusting relationships, and to enable the needs of the child to be understood. These are essential to achieve enduring change in readiness for the child’s transition to alternative models of care or reunification.
Our child protection services provide a stable and reliable home in which the child is known and understood, supported by skilled and experienced staff, in a mode which is flexible and responsive to their needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do referrals come from for this service:
- At this time referrals to this service can only be made via The Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women in QLD and The Department of Family and Community Services NSW.
Want to know more?
Contact our friendly staff today to learn more about our services under a fee for service basis!