SCSS - Infection Control Training
All SCSS staff are being offered the opportunity to undertake an Infection Control Training course (HLTINFCOV001) as part of the QLD Government’s COVID management strategy.
QLD NDIS service providers would be eligible to receive this fully subsidised training.
Course outline:
QLD NDIS service providers would be eligible to receive this fully subsidised training.
Course outline:
- HLTINFCOV001 – Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
- 2 hour mandatory online Digital Classroom webinar session
- 2-3 hour self-paced online course work assessments via Canvas, ARC Training’s Learning Management System
- Third Party Report (TPR) to be signed off by supervisor at a workplace (training provided – this is a brief process that we normally complete ourselves however COVID has limited our ability to attend sites)
This training is:
- Fully funded/subsidised – no cost to organisations or its staff
- Accredited unit HLTINF001
- Has to be enrolled and completed by end of FY20-21
- Digital Classroom delivery – live online webinar and self-paced online course work
Below are some of the areas that will be covered:
- Follow procedures for disposal of contaminated waste
- Follow procedures for handling and cleaning client equipment that prevents skin and mucous membrane exposures, contamination of clothing, and transfer of pathogens
- Identify and respond to situations where additional precautions may be required to prevent transmission of infection
- Managing blood or body fluid spills
- Managing sharps handling and disposal techniques, and many more.
Staff Eligibility: (eligibility will be checked on application)
- Have not successfully completed HLTINFCOV001/HLTINF001 previously
- Must be Australian/NZ citizen, Permanent resident, Humanitarian visa holder
- Currently working and residing in QLD
- 15 years or over
- English language and literacy skills to be able to complete any Certificate III level qualifications
The training is available from both ARC Training who can be contacted via this link www.arctraining.edu.au and TAFE https://tafeqld.edu.au/. Please direct any enquiries regarding the training to the training organisation.