Southern Cross Support Services team representatives with award

Hall of Fame - Business and Tourism Awards Fraser Coast

SCSS Team - Fraser Coast 2022 Business Awards
Winners of Hall of Fame Award Fraser Coast

A huge congratulations to our Fraser Coast team as recent recipients of Health Provider Hall of Fame Inductees.

As winners in the Health Provider category for 3 consecutive years, SCSS have been recognised as a leader in this region for the work we do.

I truly want to thank our Fraser Coast team members for their continuous efforts to support our clients to live their best lives. Without your support and commitment to your work, clients and SCSS these awards would not be possible.

Not only do we excel in the Fraser Coast, but in every location across all regions and business units. This award is one of many and recognises the work we all do each and every day.

Cheers Cheryl

Cheryl Barrett (CMgr FIML) | Chief Executive Officer Be Bold, Be Curious, Imagine…

Servicing Australia.

Helping you live more confidently & independently, with holistic care that is tailored to your unique needs.