From The Management Team
All Plan Management supports the COVID-19 vaccine and treatment rollout plan to keep Australia safe
All Plan Management welcomes the Government’s COVID-19 vaccine national roll-out strategy, prioritising people with disability and essential workers. We are pleased that we are being considered at the forefront of this strategy.
All Plan Management supports hundreds of people living with disability and residential settings throughout Australia, and we believe the vaccine is an important way to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Australians’ from Covid-19.
From late February to March the Commonwealth Government through Hospital and Health Services QLD will contact us with more information about the roll-out and when vaccines will be made available to us.
We encourage our All Plan Management community, including staff and Clients, to make an informed decision about being vaccinated. Vaccination can save lives and higher vaccination rates can make outbreaks much less likely.
Additionally, we are in the process of developing policy documentation, we are in the same position as the majority of disability support service providers who are waiting for Government to clearly define the regulations. Once this has been released to us, we will update you as a matter of priority, as we have continued to do throughout the pandemic.
We urge you to click on the important links provided below for many of the frequently asked questions that have been considered so far.
All Plan Management provides essential services and we will continue to do so during COVID-19. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone, including the people we support, staff, carers, and families.
If you have any questions about the COVID-19 Vaccination, please contact our COVID-19 Hotline on 07 4111 2614.
Check your eligibilty for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Click on the link below to visit the Australian Government Department of Health Eligibility Checker. You will be required to answer questions relating to your age, state you live in, and if you work in a priority sector.
Check your eligibility for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Important Links
Below are some important and helpful links to help you stay informed at each step of the way:
1) Preparing for COVID-19 Vaccination
2) Consent Form - COVID-19 Vaccination Consent Form
3) What to expect on vaccination day at your Disability Residential Property
4) After your COVID-19 Vaccination
QLD Health - COVID-19 Vaccines - Everything you need to know
Australian Government - Be COVID Safe - Australia's COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy
Australian Governemnt - Community Engagement Kit for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
~ All Plan Management, Management Team