From the CEO's desk - October 2020
As always, thank you for your continued efforts and commitment to Southern Cross Support Services. The work you do everyday does not go unnoticed and is much appreciated.
You will be aware of recent changes to streamline our Child Protection and NDIS services across Queensland. We all strive to ensure that the services we provide to our clients have 'Purpose, Belonging and Security'. As a continuation of our goal to provide great service, we are moving to a model of Core teams for our clients. Core teams provide better stability and continuity for our clients and ensure that the best level of service possible is delivered.
In order to make a Core team work successfully there must be a continuity of service and the best way to achieve this is through permanent part-time staff with consistent rosters. This gives our clients better clarity around who is coming on shift and when. It also provides a better balance for our frontline staff through consistency in rostering. For that reason, we have made the decision to have a more permanent workforce and we have moved to hiring new frontline staff predominantly on a permanent part-time basis.
As an existing worker you may want to consider if you would like to be permanent part-time. If this is something that you would like to explore, then please have the discussion with your Case Manager or Service Delivery Manager. Please remember that there is a strong benefit to our clients to have consistent Core teams.
All Team Leader positions will only be appointed as permanent part-time. As we move toward this improved delivery model of Core teams, part-time staff will be considered first for shifts and then any unrostered shifts will be backfilled by our casual workforce.
Please consider the benefits to our clients, and to you personally, the benefits of becoming a part-time team member and discuss with your Manager if you are interested. From there your Case Manager or Service Delivery Manager will complete a part-time request form with you, which is then assessed for suitability for part-time employment. Part of the consideration process assesses matters such as commitment to SCSS, availability, reliability, requirement in stream and the like.
I have listed some questions and answers below to help clarify the move towards Core teams but if you have any further questions please email myself or HR.
- Cheryl - Be Bold, Be Curious, Imagine ...

Question - What award am I currently paid under. Answer - Southern Cross pays all employees as per the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Award (SCADS – MA 0001000) as per requirements in this industry. Question - I am considering a permanent part time position if I am given 38/40 hours per week Answer - A standard week is only 38 hours, plus it is extremely hard to roster exactly 38 hours so our PPT positions normally sit below those hours, however you can work above the nominated hours in your Employment Contract. Question - Why would I convert to PPT when Casual rates are higher, won’t I lose money? Answer - Casuals get an additional 25% loading on their hourly rate which accounts for not receiving sick leave, holiday leave etc. With taking of leave factored in over a year the end result is very similar. Question - Why do you want us to change to PPT when I like being Casual. Answer - Moving to permanent core teams for our clients will ensure stability and security for our clients and staff; plus, it gives you security of a job. It gives our clients better clarity around who is coming on shift and when, it also provides a better balance for our staff through consistency in rostering.. Question - I don’t understand how this helps me. Answer - Stability and security of a job. The ability to apply for house and car loans because of a permanent job. Holiday and sick leave entitlements. Question - Do I have to be working for SCSS for 1 or 2 years before I can go to PPT. Answer - No you do not, as I stated above, part of the consideration process assesses matters such as commitment to SCSS, availability, reliability, requirement in streams, etc. |