From the CEO's desk
Hello to All,
The past month I have been out and about in Central QLD, Fraser Coast and South East Queensland talking to staff and meeting Clients. I thank all staff that have made time and dropped in to see me during these visits. Hearing your passion for what you do, reminds me why we do, what we do.
Southern Cross Support Services is an innovative business and as such, your ideas are often the best ideas to shape and change how we provide care and support to the sector overall. I really enjoy hearing from each of you and understanding how your ideas can be used in some form and that’s exciting. Your concerns are my concerns, however at times many issues only take a quick conversation to solve; those that are more complex will take more time but will always be followed up. So please continue to bring your concerns forward, because if I don’t know about them, I cannot address them or fix them.
One of the most enjoyable parts of my role as CEO is meeting our staff; I know most of our Clients and follow their progress so therefore hear about the great work staff are doing. However there are many staff I’m yet to meet, so please drop in and make yourself known to me, let’s put a face to a name.
If you would like to meet me but do not want to meet in the office, I am happy to meet you for coffee elsewhere, just email Rachael Brady, Executive Assistant to the CEO (email hidden; JavaScript is required) who will organise a time and place to meet.
To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to bring your ideas and/or concerns forward, the following confidential email address can be used to contact me: email hidden; JavaScript is required. I will personally attend to these emails and respond to you, but please allow me 7 days to respond as I am often travelling.
Cheers, Cheryl