Applied behaviour analysis training - July 2020
Twenty-six of our Managers, SDMs and CMs attended the Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis training (IABA) from the 14 of July to the 24 of July 2020. SCSS was fortunate enough to be trained by Thomas J. Willis PhD. Dr Willis is the co-founder of the Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis in Los Angeles, California. He is an internationally recognised authority and lecturer on behavioural assessment, and positive behavioural support and staff management strategies for quality assurance. He has decades of experience as a behavioural consultant and has co-authored many articles on providing person-centred behavioural Support for people with severe and challenging behaviour. Most of the participants of the training found Dr Willis to be an energic and animated speaker who used his own past experiences to bring relevance to our training.
Now that the training has ended, SCSS is looking at using the tools taught, to improve the outcomes for our clients and staff through evidence-based practice. Don’t be surprised if your SDM or CM is implementing new tools to measure behaviours in your team!